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New in the canteen: Online charging of the cafeteria badge

Dear parents,

As part of improvement of our services, we are proud to present you 2 new functionalities for the cafeteria badge of your child:

- you can now recharge the badge online without giving cash to your child

- you can see online the history of transaction made by your child in the cafeteria

Both functionalities are available via the MyNetPay application at Link to the MyNetPay application is visible also on the main APEEE website. To have access, parents need to request the username and password to the MyNetPay application for each child by e-mail to the Canteen office ( The badge can be recharged with amounts between 10 EUR and 100 EUR. Major credit cards, Bancontact or bank transfer are accepted as means of payment.

The new application should bring benefits both for users and canteen staff, by reducing the cash handling and administrative burden, as well as  improving  information on how children spend their money. We hope that you will appreciate these new features!